Getting Your Foot In The Door
New Zealanders like to own their own homes and, for most of us, it’ll be our biggest investment.
Whether you are buying or selling for the first time or not, you will want the experience to be positive and rewarding.
Simon Gyenge of LOA Law is coming to discuss the different ways property can be sold, the process of buying and selling, and important pre-purchase investigations purchasers should carry out.
This is a can’t-miss opportunity for anyone looking to buy or sell for the first time.
When: Wednesday 4th October 2023 5.30pm – 6.30pm
Where: He Puna Manawa – Tauranga City Library
Cost: Free but…
Please let us know you’re coming by booking your free spot here:…/library-law-series-2023
When : Wednesday 11 October, from 5.30pm to 6.30pm