Let’s Learn

Find:  Classes, Hobbies, Clubs, Courses, Events, & Activities, in BOP.

Your Challenge for 2025  …

Find inspiration in the wide choice of

Classes, Courses & Workshops we have listed

There’s something for everyone!

Let’s Live ! Let’s Learn !

Lifelong Learning is for everyone !



Learning does not stop after leaving school and reaching adulthood.

Learning continues throughout our lives in a huge variety of ways, places and roles – informally, as a member of a group or a weekly class, on a marae or in a workplace, as a mentor, tutor, guide or volunteer – or as a student or teacher in a formal education setting.

Wherever the learning takes place, whatever the subject or type of learning, what is important is the opening of minds, the interaction, the pathways to greater fulfilment and to success that are created.

Great educators and supportive learning organisations also assist in this success.
