French with Shelley – Advanced

Advanced Conversational French
On parle de tout, on s’amuse, tout en français

Term 3 classes commence from 24 July 2023 

Course Description: Learning and fun combined. This 8-10 week class operates on an on-going basis and is designed for students who wish to improve,  regain or maintain their fluency. The class is conducted almost entirely in French.

Classes are held in:

Tauranga at the Wesley Church, 13th Avenue.

Mount Maunganui at the St Anrews Church, Dee Street.

Te Puna at the Te Puna School

Katikati at the Katikati Community Centre.

For details of times and places


I have found Shelley’s French classes to be a relaxed and natural setting to practice my conversational French on top of  my extramural university studies. We chat about real life situations like what we have been up to each week, or what opinions we hold on a variety of topics, as well as discussing interesting cultural articles that relate to the francophone world while Shelley gently corrects our mistakes and adds in the words we don’t know or have forgotten. It is a great confidence boost to leave each class having communicated largely in French the whole time.   EF

French With Shelley

Keeping Community Education Alive in the Bay

Phone: 07 578 9416

Merci beaucoup.

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