From social dancing to competition dancing, there are lots of opportunities for everyone to enjoy dancing.
Beginner dance classes commence four or five times a year for an initial 6 week course at our Tauranga Dance School. These are then continued in blocks of 6 weeks to enable greater proficiency and a wider range of dances to be learnt.
Learn the different styles of dance from the beginners through to competition level. Hugh and Sonia are specialists in the field of Ballroom, Latin American, New Vogue and Rock & Roll dancing.
Click here for details of the next classes.
Venue Welcome Bay.
No need to book – just come along on the night!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/supremedancecentre
Supreme Dance Centre
Hugh and Sonia Hodson
Ph 544 2337 or 027 322 1786
Private tuition available by appointment