This Sunday: How to Make Your Book Fly with Rebecca Larsen
Bestselling author and illustrator Rebecca Larsen will guides us through creating concepts that will make your book fly, including exercises on how to design a book cover to attract your intended readers, marketing tools that will help you build a niche following and how to use platforms
such as Amazon.
In addition to writing and illustrating a children’s picture book series, Rebecca is the author of a non-fiction history book based on her grandfather’s experiences in WWII and an internationally acclaimed
guide for parents of young children.
Please bring a pen and paper to note down your own inspiring examples
When: Third Sunday of the month 2pm-4pm 16th March
Where: Greerton Library
Cost: $15 ($10 for Tauranga Writers members)
Refreshments free.
Raffle and books on sale.
CASH only please, as EFTPOS is not available at these meetings
For more information about Tauranga Writers see our website, join our Facebook page, or contact taurangawritersnz@gmail.com.
Sunday Focus Sessions are held every third Sunday in the Okahukura Room at Greerton Library from 2-4pm. Work in Progress meetings are held on the first Thursday at the Wesley Methodist Church on 13th Avenue from 7-9pm.