Tauranga Writers:

a self-help group for writers

Introducing Tauranga Writers
New members always welcome

Tauranga Writers is New Zealand’s longest-running self-help group for writers, established in 1967 and will be celebrating its 50th birthday in 2017 with a 10-month programme of writerly events. Our mission statement is getting you started and getting you published and our mantra is ‘Writers write!’
You can find basic information on our website www.taurangawriters.org.nz, which offers over 40 downloadable handouts on aspects of writing. You can like us on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/TaurangaWriters, where we constantly post writerly news, competitions, etc.

We have two meetings each month, on the first Thursday from 7-9pm and on the third Sunday from 2-4pm.

Our Thursday meetings

First Thursday of the month. 7pm-9pm
Wesley Church, 100 13th Ave, Tauranga
These concentrate mainly on ‘work in progress’ with constructive feedback between us. We also exchange information about writing in general, and our own and Tauranga Writers’ ongoing projects.

Our Sunday meetings

Third Sunday of the month 2pm – 4pm
Greerton Library
These are ‘focus sessions’ where we concentrate on a particular aspect of writing. Usually, these are open to the general public, too. Many of our members are also published authors with experience and expertise to share, and we also bring in outsiders with knowledge that we need as writerpreneurs We send out a report of both meetings afterwards to full and associate members to keep them updated on what we’re doing.

Cost: $10  Refreshments, raffle, books. (Cash only)

You can visit us informally before you join – just put a gold coin in our piggybank!

If you decide to become a full (attending) member that will cost you $35 p.a.
If you have a query about writing, your first contact should be by email.
We are always happy to help and advise.

Email:  taurangawritersnz@gmail.com
Website:  http://www.taurangawriters.org.nz/

Tauranga Writers

Tauranga Writers is also a publisher, and our publications over the years have been many and various, and include a CD of poetry, a 40th anniversary anthology This Side of the World, Narratives with Nosh, our annual showcase magazine, Byline, and two collections of prizewinning prose and poetry with the Write Offline and Beyond series for secondary & intermediate students. This is part of Tauranga Writers’ initiative to promote the cause of young writers with our Young NZ Writers website (www.youngnzwriters.weebly.com.)
We also have a subgroup for writers and illustrators of picturebooks, Words & Pictures, which is mainly an email group with occasional meetings when relevant and a presence on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/WordsandPicturesTauranga/.)

.We have friendly relations with New Zealand Society of Authors [link is http://authors.org.nz/], as many of us also belong to this national organisation; with Bookrapt and the Friends of Tauranga City Libraries.


Upcoming Events