Adult Education Awards 2017

Congratulations to all those who were nominated for the 2017 Adult Education Awards. The calibre of the more than 40 nominees and their stories of fantastic effort and excellence achieved was an honour to them but did provide the judges with an extremely difficult task.

The following awards were presented:

Innovative Providers –People or entities providing creative adult education in the Bay
Winner: Let’s Learn – Community Education Bay of Plenty.
Commendation : Gernius.

Exceptional Adult Educator -(Provider Category)
Supreme Winner: Dan Taylor of Toi-Ohomai
Commendation: Jo Kemp of Toi-Ohomai,
Commendation: Leitta Erni of Gernius.

Exceptional Adult Educator (Community Category) :
Winner: French Cooking Tutor Stephen Wilson.

Outstanding Adult Learner Award honours the student who has grown through adversity to excel in their area of study.
Supreme Winner: Isaac Crowe of Toi-Ohomai Institute of Technology
Commendation: Candice Tangney, a Student of Toi- Ohomai
Commendation: Rachel Morrison of Toi- Ohomai, Institute of Technology.

Life Long Learner Award –
Winner: Lesley Monteiro