Free Coffee Appreciation Workshop
Free community education workshop
Festival of Adult Learning
Free info sessions at 10am on Mon 16th &
Mon 23rd September 2019
Pacific Coast Mount Maunganui
Bean a while since you made a good cup of coffee ?
Enjoy a relaxed atmosphere while learning the art of creating a superb coffee.
Join our fun event with our public workshop or get a group of your own to learn together !
This FREE 2-day workshop will introduce you to the origins of coffee and how to use an expresso machine to make delicious coffee.
Whether you want to become a Barista or just a Connaisseur, this is the course for you !
Please Note: You must be a NZ Citizen or Resident to do the course for free.
Otherwise an International Learner Fee of $89 is payable before the course commences.
Pacific Coast Technical Institute
Call us to learn more !
Call free: 0508 287 246
Phone: 07 575 2185
Address: Corner Hull and Mark Roads, Mount Maunganui