Life Without a Car Workshop
Live positively without driving
Age Concern Tauranga is introduscing a new approach to helping people who have to give up driving.
For many (most) people, driving a car is an important means of independence, social connection to family and friends, and access to essential services. So, what happens when someone stops driving ?
Not driving doesn’t have to limit our activities or prevent us from enjoying life. Adjusting to life without a car doesn’t mean losing independence and freedom.
Age Concern Tauranga are introducing a new 2 hour workshop for the benefit of those who no longer drive, or who are thinking it may be time to give up driving.
Our Life Without a Car Workshop will:
* Highlight a range of possibilities to remain mobile
* Offer alternative ways of getting about in the community
* Suggest many options to keep involved and enjoy activities
* Encourage living positively without driving
The course facilitator, Ian Lee, said “Apart from my input, the workshop is a great opportunity for participants to exchange ideas with people who are in a similar position.”
When & Where:
Wednesday 14th October: Te Puke Country Lodge
Thursday 5th November: Katikati Community Centre
Wednesday 11th November: Mount RSA
Monday 23rd November: Greerton Senior Citizens
Workshops are from 9.30am – 11.30am
Registration is essential.
To register for one of these FREE workshops, contact Age Concern Tauranga on 07 578 2631.
Age Concern Tauranga
177A Fraser street, Tauranga
Phone: 07 578 2631