Mental Health & Addiction 101 Workshops

Giving people the confidence to recognise, relate and respond to people experiencing mental health challenges.

Understanding addiction and recovery.

Blueprint for Learning has funding through the Ministry of Health to facilitate MH101 and Addiction 101 webinars and workshops for frontline government agency staff, social services staff, and members of the community who are not trained in mental health or addiction. Staff in these organisations are eligible to attend these free workshops if they are likely to come into regular contact with individuals experiencing mental distress in their day to day work. We are able to have up to five staff members from an organisation attend each workshop/webinar.

Our one-day workshops are co-facilitated by Blueprint’s expert team, bringing a wealth of professional and personal experience to the sessions. Each participant will be given a workbook which they can keep. This includes all workshop material and is a reference guide for the future, including additional information and resources.

Request a dedicated workshop for your organisation or register for a public workshop by contacting us:
Phone: 04 473 9009

Request a dedicated workshop for your organisation or register for a public workshop by contacting us:
Phone: 04 473 9009

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