Staying Safe Driver Refresher Workshop

Free Workshops for Senior Drivers

Refresh your knowledge and understanding on:
– Give way rules
– Intersection rules & use of roundabouts
– Road markings & signs
– Searching & scanning skills
– Car care & maintenance
– Prescription medication & driving
Workshops are theory based. No test or exam.
Participants find a workshop particularly useful prior to renewing their drivers’ licence and regaining confidence after a break from driving.

Time: 9.15am – 1.30pm
Cost: Free for aged 70 plus. Tea & coffee will be provided but please bring your lunch.

Mon 19th October: Greerton Citizens Hall
Tues 10th November: Matua Bowling Club

If these dates aren’t suitable, contact Age Concern and place your name on the waiting list. (Phone: 07 578 2631)

To register, contact

Age Concern
Phone: 578 2631

Workshop numbers are limited.