Tauranga Film Society

For film buffs wanting a break from the mainstream

The Tauranga Film Society meets every second Wednesday at the Luxe Cinema in Devonport Road. The dates and the programme are on the website.

The Tauranga Film Society has announced its programme for the year featuring the best in foreign, documentary and independent films.

Programme for the Year

The films range from classics to physical comedy to documentaries, etc.  It’s a good mix. A lot of the films do not come out on general release.

Join the Society

Cost: $120 for a full 12 month membership which covers the cost of the movies throughout the year. You can join at any time throughout the year.  A sampler membership is available ($40 for 3 films).

It’s easiest to join in person at Luxe Cinema. Please arrive at least 10 minutes early, and a friendly Film Society committee member will arrange your membership.

Tauranga Film Society


Contact: Kristine Keir

Email: taurangafilmsociety@gmail.com

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