Breakthrough to Success Workshop

A Holistic Approach to Your Wealth & Wellbeing

We inspire you to take charge of your business, your life, your success in a nurturing and supportive environment.
We believe in people and their abilities to achieve their dreams.  Our passion is for you to become in-tune with your whole self, so you can find your own success and fulfillment in your business and personal life.  Through gaining insight into your own life, working through obstacles and understanding your own power.

Workshop Includes:

  • Time for change:  Turn fears, beliefs, habits into feeling comfortable, secure and feeling an abundant wealth of happiness.
  • Easy to learn and use tools, techniques and resources to fuel and maintain long term goals and habits, manifesting the life you have always dreamt of.
  • ‘Let food be thy medecine’ Hippocrates.  Master clean eating, balance stress and real experience pampering
  • Discover fast, natural pain relief so you can take care of yourself and your loved ones.

This workshop has finished.
For details on upcoming sessions:

Phone:  07 533 2451

