Crop Swap Tauranga

Give a Little, Take a Little

Crop Swap is an opportunity for people to come together once a month and bring excess produce from their garden – or anything homemade – and swap it for other produce or goods. People can bring fruit and vegetables, but there are often seedlings, jams and preserves, home baking and even crafts.

Visitors sign in, have a sociable cuppa before “the bell rings” and people can take what they need. The expectation is that everyone just takes a little of what they need with an attitude of generosity and being mindful of sharing with others.

Anything left over goes to the Good Neighbour Food Rescue.

Crop Swap Tauranga

When:  Every 4th Saturday of the month
Time:  2pm to 3pm
Place:  Envirohub Bay of Plenty at the Historic Village, 17th Ave, Tauranga


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