Governance Express Series 2020

with Exult

Governance Express Series: What’s coming up in the BOP

We know how hard it can be to juggle everyday commitments with volunteering as a trustee.  So when someone says you should get along to workshops on top of that, sometimes it’s just not practical.  That’s why we’ve created a series of short, express-style Governance workshops to fit in with busy schedules. These workshops are designed around the topics we most get asked about most and allow your Board to upskill in small steps.

Thanks to Bay Trust, these 2-hour workshops cost just $30 per person, per session for Bay of Plenty organisations, and are being run right across the Bay of Plenty.  There is no order in which you have to attend, and you can attend as many or as a few sessions as you choose.

Being a Successful Chair

Are you currently chairing a Board and want to make sure you’re being the best Chair you can be?  Would you like to properly understand the Chair’s role before putting your hand up for the position?
Where and When:
Tauranga: Thursday 30th January, 6pm –8pm  ll  Register online here
Rotorua: Monday 30th March, 6pm – 8pm  ll  Register online here 

Strategic Planning Part 1: Crafting Your Vision and Mission

Does your organisation struggle to explain its ‘why’ in simple language?
Do people listen to your Vision but still don’t understand what you’re all about?

Where and When:
Whakatane:Monday 17th February, 6pm – 8pm  ll  Register online here

Strategic Planning Part 2: Creating the Plan

Would you like to know how to create a guiding document that’s written in everyday language?  Does your strategic plan reside in a drawer, or do you use it to make strategic decisions and guide operational plans on a day-to-day basis?
Where and When:
TaupoTuesday 17th March, 6pm – 8pm  ll  Register online here

The Power of Policies

Does your organisation need policies, but you don’t know where to start?
Are your policies out of date and irrelevant?
Where and When:
TaurangaThursday 26th March, 6pm – 8pm  ll Register online here

Other workshops in the series include Running Effective Meetings, and Understanding Financial Statements.

Cost: Usually this workshop costs $70 per person, but BOP Organisations pay just $30 thanks to a subsidy from Bay Trust.

To register or for more information: Email 

Exult : Exult is one of NZ’s leading training providers for the non-profit sector.
Visit our website for free articles, templates and advice.


Phone: 07 571 8819
Email: Rosie Julou – 
             Kerri Tilby-Price –