Investor Basics Workshops

Learn about Investing
with  Craigs Investment Partners

Investment Workshops are being held during August & September
Click Here for Details

Course outline:

The workshops are held over one or two sessions (lunchtime or evenings). Each workshop is approximately 1 1/2 hours. The free workshops are small, interactive and have been designed to promote discussion. For this reason, numbers have been limited to 10-12 attendees per workshop series.

Our workshops will cover:

  • The fundamentals of investing – why, how and where to invest
  • Key investment principles – what you need to consider when you invest
  • How to build your own personal investment portfolio

We aim to provide you with enough information to help you establish your investment goals and develop a sound understanding of investing so you feel more confident when talking with your Investment Adviser about personal investment plan and investment decisions. In each workshop you will be provided with handouts to take home and read in your own time.

Next Workshops

Please register your interest here to be advised of the dates and locations of the next  Investor Basics  Workshops.

Craigs Investment Partners
158 Cameron Road

Phone: 07 577 6049