CAP Life Skills Courses

Practical Skills to Help You Thrive

Money impacts all areas of our lives: what we can or can’t afford, our relationships, what we eat, our health and wellbeing and much more.

Over eight sessions your CAP Life Skills coach will provide you with practical and relevant support to ensure you get the most out of the course.

Your local CAP Life Skills is a friendly group where you’ll discover the life skills to thrive. You will gain practical skills to make the most of what you have, and discover new ways to live for a brighter future.  CAP Life Skills provides a community of like-minded people from your area that you can support and be supported by throughout the course. They’ll be people in similar situations to you – people who will understand you and can encourage you.

The course is led by trained and experienced facilitators.
Weekly morning tea and end-of-course celebration lunch provided.

Fun and interactive way, the sessions include:


  • money saving tips

  • budgeting skills

  • shopping tips


  • meal planning

  • budget building

  • shopping to a list

  • time management

Health and Wellbeing

  • healthy eating

  • positive wellbeing

  • self-worth


  • building healthy relationships

  • communication

  • forgiveness

  • loving others

For more information or to register
Phone: (07)571-5916

When: Thursdays 9:30-12:00   

Where: St Peters House, 130 Spring Street, Tauranga

Cost: No cost. Koha appreciated
FREE but please book your spot.

Online pre-enrolment is required, contact St Peters House on 571 5916 or register online:

From here you can make a plan to get things back on track !!

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