Meditations to Overcome Stress

Join us for our weekly meditation classes

Meditation is a way of calming the mind, and making us more peaceful, balanced and focused in our daily lives. Ultimately, it enables us to awaken our spiritual potential and find lasting joy and contentment.The classes are taught by experienced Buddhist teachers and include a guided meditation, practical teachings, and time for questions and answers. Everyone is welcome, turn up on the night or register on our webpage, you can come to any class you want and no previous experience of meditation is required.

  • Day:  Every Thursday
  • Time: 7-8.30pm
  • Length of course: Ongoing
  • Venue: Greerton Library (Meeting Room), 139 Greerton Rd, Greerton Village, Tauranga
  • Tutor Name : Regular teacher is Mathew Stewart and Gen Kelsang Togden will also teach occasionally
  • Phone: 0800 SANGHA
  • Mobile: 022 340 1690 to call or text Matthew
  • Website
  • Course fee: $15 per class
