Mindfulness in the Workplace –  – Stress Less & Accomplish More !

Full Day Workshops

We’re excited to be hosting two workshops in May. These events are for business owners, professionals, and leaders that are wanting to implement mindfulness based practices and principles to stress less and accomplish more.

You’ll learn:
* A broad understanding of what Mindfulness is and how it can be so beneficial for both individuals and companies.
* Proven principles and practices of some of the world’s top performers.
* Practical tools, tips and strategies you can implement in your own life to improve mood, stress levels, productivity and overall quality of life.
* Insight into how businesses like Google and Linkedin have increased engagement and performance through mindfulness training.

You’ll leave feeling inspired and with a clear road-map how you can reduce stress and accomplish more !

Register to reserve your spot.
These events are limited to 20 spaces. Attendees can purchase their tickets via https://mindfulcompanies.co.nz/#events

Presented by Dan & Annaliese Arnold of
Mindful Companies

Bookings: www.mindfulcompanies.co.nz/#events

Email or call Dan with any questions or to enquire about group rates:

Email: hello@mindfulcompanies.co.nz
Phone: 027 222 1881