Shooting Like A Pro

Top Tips from the late Marti Friedlander

Legendary Kiwi photographer Marti Friedlander died last week.  In October 2014, she wrote for the NZ Herald feature section Travel, sharing her top tips for taking great photos.

  1. Think before you shoot.
  2. Early morning and late evening give you the best light for colour pics.
  3. Ask people if you can take their photos close up – you’ll be surprised how gracious they will be in response –  but if they say no, respect that.
  4. Try to capture the essence of the place in one or two shots – imaginatively.
  5. See the place you are visiting without the view-finder – then take a photo only when you feel it will be a timeless reminder of your travels.  Be selective.
  6. As Mark Twain said: “You cannot depend on your eye, if your imagination is out of focus!”