Tauranga Literacy Council

Who are we? We are a group of dedicated individuals, mainly school teachers, whose passion is promoting and encouraging literacy in the Tauranga area. We are one of 12 regional councils affiliated with the New Zealand Literacy Association.

What do we do? We meet regularly as a committee to plan and organise different events, professional learning, keynote speakers, workshops etc. We are a non for profit council and are registered as a charitable organisation.

Membership? Annual membership is $80 for groups/schools/organisations or $45 for individual membership. Being a member means that you will be sent an annual calendar of our events and will be given a discounted price at most of these. Some of our events are offered exclusively to members eg authors visits, Jenny Giles Writing Competition.

Money earned from our events goes back into paying for future events. An example of this was when we hosted Nathan Wallis in 2017, we had around 2000 people attend. This money is now being put into holding Tauranga’s very first, Education Expo which will be open to the public and will allow local organisations to promote their products and services at a very reasonable cost.

For further details about membership, go to nzla.org.nz and find us under Regional Councils.


Donelle O’Neill, President

Email: donelle@maungatapu.school.nz
