Learn to make fermented food and improve your gut health

This is practical workshops were you will learn the basics of gut health you will learn and receive the recipe and instructions for one fermented vegetable, a dairy ferment, and a fermented condiment. You will get the chance to sample everything you learn about and also some other fermented foods not included in the workshop.  You will also get a chance to make and take home a small jar of salsa to continue fermenting at home. We will also go through how fermented food can be integrated into everyday meals.
This will be the first of a series of fermenting workshops so your knowledge can continue to grow.

When: Tuesday, August 25th 6pm-8pm 
Malfroy School,  Rotorua

The cost of this workshop is usually $75 however if you receive this newsletter please use the code JBCOLLECTIONS and receive a $10 discount you can share this discount also with friends and family.

Contact Jayne
Phone:  021 201 8580
Email: info@jbcollections.co.

I (Jayne ) have spent 23 years working in public hospitals as a cardiac physiologist but in the last 2 years I decided to update my qualification and combine my extensive medical knowledge with my passion for food. Now a certified health coach I help people adapt to there new normal after major health trauma. My passion for teaching has flowed over into this side of my life as I  run workshops in a number of health-related topics. One of my specialist areas is gut health and I love to teach people how to make yummy fermented probiotic food. Fermented food is so much more than sauerkraut.