Carolie’s Culinaire
Cheese Making and Cookery Classes in Omokoroa
Cheese making and cookery classes, demonstrations and hands-on cooking and baking for small or corporate groups or clubs who would like to engage in different activities.
Classes take place at 252 Hamurana road, Omokoroa, Tauranga, but also at other venues on invitation – for groups. The Katikati Community Resource Centre includes some classes in their cookery program, of which Cheese making, the Mad Millie way, has been one of the most popular.
Carolie qualified as a dietician and over the years activities included running a cookery school, lecturing to hospitality and consumer science students and writing cookery books. The aim has always been to teach home and professional cooks to prepare food that is trendy but also wholesome, using fresh local supplies which fit into the budget and time available for food preparation. All classes and cheese making fit perfectly into the specs of this framework.
Topics for events, classes & demonstrations include:
- “A Crumb of Comfort” – confusion about food and decision fatigue overruled
- “Fun with Filo Pastry” – classic and trendy, sweet and savoury delights
- “Home made & Healthy” – take-out food made even better at home
- “Indonesian Rice Table” – to entice the palate of friends and family
- “Mediterranean Medley” – flavourful, colourful, healthy, wholesome food
- “Middle Eastern Flavours” – Celebrating a cuisine in jeopardy…
- “Moroccan Menus” – Marvellous menu food and superb baking
- “Thai Temptations” – Learn to cook the best Thai food at home
- “Global Yeast Baking & Bread Making” – A vast range of home made breads and superb classic and trendy yeast cakes and bakes are made.
Contact: Carolie De Koster for further details.
Phone: 548 2024
Mobile: 0211 448 225
Danish Pastry Plaits with Custard

French Loaves