Mindfulness for Mums Course

Specifically Targeted 6 Week Course

If you’re curious about mindfulness then this is the course for you.

This six week Mindfulness for Mums Course will cover a range of areas within our lives, specifically targeted to mums.

Course content includes:

Meditation and its benefits
Self-care and its importance (especially for mothers)
Productivity – tricks to be more productive in your day
Self-compassion and Stress
Mindful Communication
Mindful Parenting
Guided meditations each week

After completing this course you will:
Walk away with a wealth of new knowledge to implement into your daily lives
Implement a meditation practice that suits your schedule and needs
Understand the importance of developing a self-care practice
Implement your own self-care plan specific to your needs
Know why we as mothers need to practice self-compassion
Understand your emotions and how to accept them
Know what our inner critic is and learn strategies to calm it
Create productivity habits to use in everyday life
Understand your stress triggers and learn strategies to limit these
Learn strategies for mindful parenting and mindful communication
Have access to guided meditations to use at your leisure

If you want to join other like-minded mums on a journey of change and growth then please sign up. I would love to meet you and have you join me on this journey.

Contact Annaliese for 2019 details.

Hosted by Annaliese Arnold

Registration: Please sign up in advance as the space is limited to a small group.