
You’re Always Learning in the Garden

says Sarah O’Neill

“Greenwood in Spring” Weekend Encampment

Learn techniques & ways to use unseasoned wood

Tauranga Radio Sailing Club

Come down and have a go …

Cake Decorating Classes

Learn cake decorating with buttercream or fondant icing


Tauranga Radio Sailing Club

Come and see what it’s all about.

Meeting Times:
Saturdays 11am until 4pm
Wednesdays 1pm until 4pm approx

Venue:  Scoria Close, Lake Taurikura, Tauriko, Tauranga

Tauranga Radio Sailing Club

Come and see what it’s all about.

Meeting Times:
Saturdays 11am until 4pm
Wednesdays 1pm until 4pm approx

Venue:  Scoria Close, Lake Taurikura, Tauriko, Tauranga