Tauranga Herb Society
Meeting together for over 40 yeats, Tauranga Herb Society is a group dedicated to learning how to identify, cultivate and utilise the powerful properties of plants.
The Tauranga Herbal Society meets monthly.
Date : second Thursday of the month.
Time: 7pm -9pm
Place: Wesley Church, 100 13th Ave, Tauranga
LIBRARY meetings are also held on the 2nd DAY of every month except January (9:30am – 11:30am). The Herbal Library takes place at Herbal Health Clinic, 75 Keenan Road, Tauranga.
Programme for 2024 -2025
Tauranga Herbal Society
President: Helen Loe Phone: 029 206 6525
Communications Officer: Nicole Bührs
Email: tgaherbsoc@gmail.com