Waste Free Parenting Workshops

with Kate Meads

This is a humerous, entertaining and inspirational event full of tips and ideas around ways you can minimise waste at home. You get a free $100 goodie bag with each ticket, bursting with waste minimisation products.

Here are a few comments from recent attendees:

“Went to our first Waste Free Parenting workshop today and both hubs and I absolutely loved it. Thanks for the inspiration and ideas, we will definitely be even more waste conscious with what we learnt and strive for a more sustainable living, especially with our first little one on the way. Thanks Kate!” – Crystal L.

“If you haven’t been to one of Kate’s workshops yet, book in for the next one! Knowledgeable, passionate and humorous, Kate’s workshops are the best way to learn how to implement small changes that can make a big difference to your impact on the environment. Fully recommend!” -Simone C.

There are limited spaces and goodie bags available at each event.
You do not need to print off your tickets, we have the ability to scan your ticket off of your smartphone/device as you arrive at the workshop.

Please arrive 15 minutes before the workshop starts.

Bringing your baby to a day time workshop is fine, but please be mindful that if they get upset you may need to pop out and settle them. It is preferable not to bring babies older than 6 months to an evening workshop as it is to late and distracting for other attendees