Lemuria Rising – Chakra Balancing

A relaxing and rejuvenating afternoon of Sound Healing, Chakra Balancing, Light Language and Song, hosted by Nicola Gibbons.

This group focusses on sound healing and balancing for the chakras, you can relax and lie down to receive this. With greater emphasis on the Solar Plexus Chakra, being the power centre.

Nicola started speaking Light Language in 2013, as a pupil of Judy Satori. She later learnt the language is Lemurian. This language assists in calming the nervous system. She hosts groups around the world, and this year is hosting groups all around Aotearoa.

The light language brings through coding to activate your own divine power and inner wisdom, activating the DNA. A ‘tune up’.

Lemuria was an ancient civilisation, with strong links to Aotearoa. It was a time of great peace and harmony. These energies are being anchored again, and we are remembering how to live together in this way.

Take your place in the circle… (image by Mark Fischer)