
Celeste Dance Classes

Papamoa Art Group

Papamoa Garden Circle

Inklings Art: Creative Design Course

Beginner Oil Painting Classes

Papamoa Country Music Club

Urban Beekeeping

Pilates, Yoga & Barre Classes

Learn to Draw Animals 2020

New Classes with Inklings Art !

Learn to Draw the Face 2020

Enter a Beginner – Exit a Winner

Learn @ Papamoa Library – One-on-One IT Help

One-on-One IT Help

Learn to Draw People 2020

7 Session Course with Inklings

Free English Courses

Improve your English for Everyday Use

Library Law Series

Free sessions on a range of legal topics

Taoist Tai Chi Society – Bay of Plenty

We teach Taoist Tai Chi™ arts: a moving meditation – build your strength, flexibility and stillness.

Friends of the Tauranga Libraries

Monthly meetings at the 4 libraries

Waste-free Parenting

Learn about waste free parenting, reusable products and recycling.

Boomerang Bags – Sewing Bee

Tackle plastic pollution at the grassroots level

Papamoa Family History Group

Papamoa Branch

Falun Dafa


Falun Dafa

Purify the Body and Calm the Mind

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a traditional self-cultivation practice based on the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Easy to learn, the practice includes four gentle standing exercises to purify the body and a seated meditation to calm the mind.

Around the world, millions of people from all walks of life and all ages have taken up the practice and report dramatic health improvements, clarity of thought, more energy and a deeper spiritual awareness.

True health comes from cultivating both mind and body.

Free to learn.

Please join our Free, Easy to Learn Exercise Sessions in the Parks as follows:

Exercises 1 to 4 only. Duration – 1x hour.  Look for the Blue and White Banner.

1st and 2nd Sundays – Memorial Park by the fountain, enter from Devonport Rd

3rd Sunday – Papamoa Domain near car park below Bluebiyou Restaurant

4th Sunday – Marine Parade, near cenotaph opposite Pacific Ave.

Winter Hours – @ 10:15am
Summer Hours – @ 9:45am

Change at Daylight Saving time.

Please call / text Judy for any alternative arrangements.

Please phone or text  021 0425 398  for directions.

Papamoa Patchers

Visitors and prospective new members are warmly welcomed.

When:  Mondays at 9.30am
Where:  St Andrew’s Church Hall, Dee Street, Mount Maunganui.
Time: 9.30 am-2.30 pm on 1st and 3rd Monday and 9.30am- 12.30pm on 2nd and 4th Monday each month.

Contact :  Phone 021 188 5840 for any further information.

What’s On at Your Library

From Knitting & Knattering to Chess, from Rummikub to Genealogy plus a host of activities in between, libraries are true community hubs. Check out what is on the programme and geared for adults in your area.

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Just Wanna Have Fun at Greerton Library

Keen to try something new, have fun and meet new people?
Come along to Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library on Tuesdays to join in a different activity each week.
With craft workshops, board games, and fun with robots, you won’t want to miss a week!

Programme information:

  • 4 February – Waitangi Day Activities
  • 11 February – Valentines Card Making
  • 18 February – Movie Morning
  • 25 February – Lunar New Year Paper Craft
  • 4 March – Lego Fun
  • 11 March – Saint Patrick’s Day Crafts
  • 18 March – Digi Fun
  • 25 March – Bingo
  • 1 April – Dachshund Love: Stories and Craft
  • 8 April – Dot Art

For adults. Groups welcome (if your group is more then 5+ please let us know in advance)
No booking required. Just turn up.

Location: Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library, 139 Greerton Road

Accessible bathrooms
Accessible seating available
Certified disability assist dogs welcome
Mobility parking spaces
Wheelchair access

Knit and Knatter at Greerton Library!

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays 12.30pm to 2pm

If you want to learn but don’t know how – Come along and learn with the Greerton Main Street Community Knitters. If you are an advanced knitter, you are also welcome to come and share your skills!
Greerton Library : Every Tuesday from 12.30pm

For more information about these sessions

Contact Lesley
Phone: 0210309280.

Other sessions are held:

Pāpāmoa Library
Tuesdays 10am – 12pm
Wednesdays 1pm – 2pm

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Digital Drop-In at Papamoa Library

Have you got a digital dilemma and need some help? Come along to one of our weekly Drop-in sessions.

Bring in your own device for help using library apps, accessing online memberships and applications, installing software, or setting up a new device.

This is a first-in, first-served, drop-in service. No booking required.


Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road, Papamoa
: Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm
Cost: Free


Falun Dafa

Purify the Body and Calm the Mind

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a traditional self-cultivation practice based on the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Easy to learn, the practice includes four gentle standing exercises to purify the body and a seated meditation to calm the mind.

Around the world, millions of people from all walks of life and all ages have taken up the practice and report dramatic health improvements, clarity of thought, more energy and a deeper spiritual awareness.

True health comes from cultivating both mind and body.

Free to learn.

Please join our Free, Easy to Learn Exercise Sessions in the Parks as follows:

Exercises 1 to 4 only. Duration – 1x hour.  Look for the Blue and White Banner.

1st and 2nd Sundays – Memorial Park by the fountain, enter from Devonport Rd

3rd Sunday – Papamoa Domain near car park below Bluebiyou Restaurant

4th Sunday – Marine Parade, near cenotaph opposite Pacific Ave.

Winter Hours – @ 10:15am
Summer Hours – @ 9:45am

Change at Daylight Saving time.

Please call / text Judy for any alternative arrangements.

Please phone or text  021 0425 398  for directions.

Papamoa Patchers

Visitors and prospective new members are warmly welcomed.

When:  Mondays at 9.30am
Where:  St Andrew’s Church Hall, Dee Street, Mount Maunganui.
Time: 9.30 am-2.30 pm on 1st and 3rd Monday and 9.30am- 12.30pm on 2nd and 4th Monday each month.

Contact :  Phone 021 188 5840 for any further information.

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Just Wanna Have Fun at Greerton Library

Keen to try something new, have fun and meet new people?
Come along to Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library on Tuesdays to join in a different activity each week.
With craft workshops, board games, and fun with robots, you won’t want to miss a week!

Programme information:

  • 4 February – Waitangi Day Activities
  • 11 February – Valentines Card Making
  • 18 February – Movie Morning
  • 25 February – Lunar New Year Paper Craft
  • 4 March – Lego Fun
  • 11 March – Saint Patrick’s Day Crafts
  • 18 March – Digi Fun
  • 25 March – Bingo
  • 1 April – Dachshund Love: Stories and Craft
  • 8 April – Dot Art

For adults. Groups welcome (if your group is more then 5+ please let us know in advance)
No booking required. Just turn up.

Location: Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library, 139 Greerton Road

Accessible bathrooms
Accessible seating available
Certified disability assist dogs welcome
Mobility parking spaces
Wheelchair access

Knit and Knatter at Greerton Library!

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays 12.30pm to 2pm

If you want to learn but don’t know how – Come along and learn with the Greerton Main Street Community Knitters. If you are an advanced knitter, you are also welcome to come and share your skills!
Greerton Library : Every Tuesday from 12.30pm

For more information about these sessions

Contact Lesley
Phone: 0210309280.

Other sessions are held:

Pāpāmoa Library
Tuesdays 10am – 12pm
Wednesdays 1pm – 2pm

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Digital Drop-In at Papamoa Library

Have you got a digital dilemma and need some help? Come along to one of our weekly Drop-in sessions.

Bring in your own device for help using library apps, accessing online memberships and applications, installing software, or setting up a new device.

This is a first-in, first-served, drop-in service. No booking required.


Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road, Papamoa
: Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm
Cost: Free


Falun Dafa

Purify the Body and Calm the Mind

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a traditional self-cultivation practice based on the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Easy to learn, the practice includes four gentle standing exercises to purify the body and a seated meditation to calm the mind.

Around the world, millions of people from all walks of life and all ages have taken up the practice and report dramatic health improvements, clarity of thought, more energy and a deeper spiritual awareness.

True health comes from cultivating both mind and body.

Free to learn.

Please join our Free, Easy to Learn Exercise Sessions in the Parks as follows:

Exercises 1 to 4 only. Duration – 1x hour.  Look for the Blue and White Banner.

1st and 2nd Sundays – Memorial Park by the fountain, enter from Devonport Rd

3rd Sunday – Papamoa Domain near car park below Bluebiyou Restaurant

4th Sunday – Marine Parade, near cenotaph opposite Pacific Ave.

Winter Hours – @ 10:15am
Summer Hours – @ 9:45am

Change at Daylight Saving time.

Please call / text Judy for any alternative arrangements.

Please phone or text  021 0425 398  for directions.

Papamoa Patchers

Visitors and prospective new members are warmly welcomed.

When:  Mondays at 9.30am
Where:  St Andrew’s Church Hall, Dee Street, Mount Maunganui.
Time: 9.30 am-2.30 pm on 1st and 3rd Monday and 9.30am- 12.30pm on 2nd and 4th Monday each month.

Contact :  Phone 021 188 5840 for any further information.

What’s On at Your Library

From Knitting & Knattering to Chess, from Rummikub to Genealogy plus a host of activities in between, libraries are true community hubs. Check out what is on the programme and geared for adults in your area.

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Just Wanna Have Fun at Greerton Library

Keen to try something new, have fun and meet new people?
Come along to Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library on Tuesdays to join in a different activity each week.
With craft workshops, board games, and fun with robots, you won’t want to miss a week!

Programme information:

  • 4 February – Waitangi Day Activities
  • 11 February – Valentines Card Making
  • 18 February – Movie Morning
  • 25 February – Lunar New Year Paper Craft
  • 4 March – Lego Fun
  • 11 March – Saint Patrick’s Day Crafts
  • 18 March – Digi Fun
  • 25 March – Bingo
  • 1 April – Dachshund Love: Stories and Craft
  • 8 April – Dot Art

For adults. Groups welcome (if your group is more then 5+ please let us know in advance)
No booking required. Just turn up.

Location: Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library, 139 Greerton Road

Accessible bathrooms
Accessible seating available
Certified disability assist dogs welcome
Mobility parking spaces
Wheelchair access

Knit and Knatter at Greerton Library!

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays 12.30pm to 2pm

If you want to learn but don’t know how – Come along and learn with the Greerton Main Street Community Knitters. If you are an advanced knitter, you are also welcome to come and share your skills!
Greerton Library : Every Tuesday from 12.30pm

For more information about these sessions

Contact Lesley
Phone: 0210309280.

Other sessions are held:

Pāpāmoa Library
Tuesdays 10am – 12pm
Wednesdays 1pm – 2pm

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Digital Drop-In at Papamoa Library

Have you got a digital dilemma and need some help? Come along to one of our weekly Drop-in sessions.

Bring in your own device for help using library apps, accessing online memberships and applications, installing software, or setting up a new device.

This is a first-in, first-served, drop-in service. No booking required.


Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road, Papamoa
: Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm
Cost: Free


Falun Dafa

Purify the Body and Calm the Mind

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a traditional self-cultivation practice based on the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Easy to learn, the practice includes four gentle standing exercises to purify the body and a seated meditation to calm the mind.

Around the world, millions of people from all walks of life and all ages have taken up the practice and report dramatic health improvements, clarity of thought, more energy and a deeper spiritual awareness.

True health comes from cultivating both mind and body.

Free to learn.

Please join our Free, Easy to Learn Exercise Sessions in the Parks as follows:

Exercises 1 to 4 only. Duration – 1x hour.  Look for the Blue and White Banner.

1st and 2nd Sundays – Memorial Park by the fountain, enter from Devonport Rd

3rd Sunday – Papamoa Domain near car park below Bluebiyou Restaurant

4th Sunday – Marine Parade, near cenotaph opposite Pacific Ave.

Winter Hours – @ 10:15am
Summer Hours – @ 9:45am

Change at Daylight Saving time.

Please call / text Judy for any alternative arrangements.

Please phone or text  021 0425 398  for directions.

Papamoa Patchers

Visitors and prospective new members are warmly welcomed.

When:  Mondays at 9.30am
Where:  St Andrew’s Church Hall, Dee Street, Mount Maunganui.
Time: 9.30 am-2.30 pm on 1st and 3rd Monday and 9.30am- 12.30pm on 2nd and 4th Monday each month.

Contact :  Phone 021 188 5840 for any further information.

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Just Wanna Have Fun at Greerton Library

Keen to try something new, have fun and meet new people?
Come along to Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library on Tuesdays to join in a different activity each week.
With craft workshops, board games, and fun with robots, you won’t want to miss a week!

Programme information:

  • 4 February – Waitangi Day Activities
  • 11 February – Valentines Card Making
  • 18 February – Movie Morning
  • 25 February – Lunar New Year Paper Craft
  • 4 March – Lego Fun
  • 11 March – Saint Patrick’s Day Crafts
  • 18 March – Digi Fun
  • 25 March – Bingo
  • 1 April – Dachshund Love: Stories and Craft
  • 8 April – Dot Art

For adults. Groups welcome (if your group is more then 5+ please let us know in advance)
No booking required. Just turn up.

Location: Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library, 139 Greerton Road

Accessible bathrooms
Accessible seating available
Certified disability assist dogs welcome
Mobility parking spaces
Wheelchair access

Knit and Knatter at Greerton Library!

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays 12.30pm to 2pm

If you want to learn but don’t know how – Come along and learn with the Greerton Main Street Community Knitters. If you are an advanced knitter, you are also welcome to come and share your skills!
Greerton Library : Every Tuesday from 12.30pm

For more information about these sessions

Contact Lesley
Phone: 0210309280.

Other sessions are held:

Pāpāmoa Library
Tuesdays 10am – 12pm
Wednesdays 1pm – 2pm

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Just Wanna Have Fun at Papamoa Library

Keen to try something new, have fun and meet new people? Come along and enjoy craft workshops, board games, movies, fun with robots and lots more!
Inspired by the success of our regular group at Greerton, we’re pleased to bring ‘Just Wanna Have Fun?’ to Te Ao Mārama – Pāpāmoa Library in 2025.

Come along and enjoy the following games and craft:

  • 30 January – Waitangi Day Activities
  • 27 February – Lunar New Year Paper Craft
  • 27 March – Bingo
  • 24 April – Flower Art
  • 29 May – Rock Painting
  • 26 June – Tukutuku Panels and Stories

For adults. Groups welcome (if your group is more then 5+, please let us know in advance by emailing us at

Digital Drop-In at Papamoa Library

Have you got a digital dilemma and need some help? Come along to one of our weekly Drop-in sessions.

Bring in your own device for help using library apps, accessing online memberships and applications, installing software, or setting up a new device.

This is a first-in, first-served, drop-in service. No booking required.


Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road, Papamoa
: Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm
Cost: Free


Falun Dafa

Purify the Body and Calm the Mind

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a traditional self-cultivation practice based on the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Easy to learn, the practice includes four gentle standing exercises to purify the body and a seated meditation to calm the mind.

Around the world, millions of people from all walks of life and all ages have taken up the practice and report dramatic health improvements, clarity of thought, more energy and a deeper spiritual awareness.

True health comes from cultivating both mind and body.

Free to learn.

Please join our Free, Easy to Learn Exercise Sessions in the Parks as follows:

Exercises 1 to 4 only. Duration – 1x hour.  Look for the Blue and White Banner.

1st and 2nd Sundays – Memorial Park by the fountain, enter from Devonport Rd

3rd Sunday – Papamoa Domain near car park below Bluebiyou Restaurant

4th Sunday – Marine Parade, near cenotaph opposite Pacific Ave.

Winter Hours – @ 10:15am
Summer Hours – @ 9:45am

Change at Daylight Saving time.

Please call / text Judy for any alternative arrangements.

Please phone or text  021 0425 398  for directions.

Papamoa Patchers

Visitors and prospective new members are warmly welcomed.

When:  Mondays at 9.30am
Where:  St Andrew’s Church Hall, Dee Street, Mount Maunganui.
Time: 9.30 am-2.30 pm on 1st and 3rd Monday and 9.30am- 12.30pm on 2nd and 4th Monday each month.

Contact :  Phone 021 188 5840 for any further information.

What’s On at Your Library

From Knitting & Knattering to Chess, from Rummikub to Genealogy plus a host of activities in between, libraries are true community hubs. Check out what is on the programme and geared for adults in your area.

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Just Wanna Have Fun at Greerton Library

Keen to try something new, have fun and meet new people?
Come along to Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library on Tuesdays to join in a different activity each week.
With craft workshops, board games, and fun with robots, you won’t want to miss a week!

Programme information:

  • 4 February – Waitangi Day Activities
  • 11 February – Valentines Card Making
  • 18 February – Movie Morning
  • 25 February – Lunar New Year Paper Craft
  • 4 March – Lego Fun
  • 11 March – Saint Patrick’s Day Crafts
  • 18 March – Digi Fun
  • 25 March – Bingo
  • 1 April – Dachshund Love: Stories and Craft
  • 8 April – Dot Art

For adults. Groups welcome (if your group is more then 5+ please let us know in advance)
No booking required. Just turn up.

Location: Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library, 139 Greerton Road

Accessible bathrooms
Accessible seating available
Certified disability assist dogs welcome
Mobility parking spaces
Wheelchair access

Knit and Knatter at Greerton Library!

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays 12.30pm to 2pm

If you want to learn but don’t know how – Come along and learn with the Greerton Main Street Community Knitters. If you are an advanced knitter, you are also welcome to come and share your skills!
Greerton Library : Every Tuesday from 12.30pm

For more information about these sessions

Contact Lesley
Phone: 0210309280.

Other sessions are held:

Pāpāmoa Library
Tuesdays 10am – 12pm
Wednesdays 1pm – 2pm

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Digital Drop-In at Papamoa Library

Have you got a digital dilemma and need some help? Come along to one of our weekly Drop-in sessions.

Bring in your own device for help using library apps, accessing online memberships and applications, installing software, or setting up a new device.

This is a first-in, first-served, drop-in service. No booking required.


Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road, Papamoa
: Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm
Cost: Free


Falun Dafa

Purify the Body and Calm the Mind

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a traditional self-cultivation practice based on the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Easy to learn, the practice includes four gentle standing exercises to purify the body and a seated meditation to calm the mind.

Around the world, millions of people from all walks of life and all ages have taken up the practice and report dramatic health improvements, clarity of thought, more energy and a deeper spiritual awareness.

True health comes from cultivating both mind and body.

Free to learn.

Please join our Free, Easy to Learn Exercise Sessions in the Parks as follows:

Exercises 1 to 4 only. Duration – 1x hour.  Look for the Blue and White Banner.

1st and 2nd Sundays – Memorial Park by the fountain, enter from Devonport Rd

3rd Sunday – Papamoa Domain near car park below Bluebiyou Restaurant

4th Sunday – Marine Parade, near cenotaph opposite Pacific Ave.

Winter Hours – @ 10:15am
Summer Hours – @ 9:45am

Change at Daylight Saving time.

Please call / text Judy for any alternative arrangements.

Please phone or text  021 0425 398  for directions.

Papamoa Patchers

Visitors and prospective new members are warmly welcomed.

When:  Mondays at 9.30am
Where:  St Andrew’s Church Hall, Dee Street, Mount Maunganui.
Time: 9.30 am-2.30 pm on 1st and 3rd Monday and 9.30am- 12.30pm on 2nd and 4th Monday each month.

Contact :  Phone 021 188 5840 for any further information.

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Just Wanna Have Fun at Greerton Library

Keen to try something new, have fun and meet new people?
Come along to Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library on Tuesdays to join in a different activity each week.
With craft workshops, board games, and fun with robots, you won’t want to miss a week!

Programme information:

  • 4 February – Waitangi Day Activities
  • 11 February – Valentines Card Making
  • 18 February – Movie Morning
  • 25 February – Lunar New Year Paper Craft
  • 4 March – Lego Fun
  • 11 March – Saint Patrick’s Day Crafts
  • 18 March – Digi Fun
  • 25 March – Bingo
  • 1 April – Dachshund Love: Stories and Craft
  • 8 April – Dot Art

For adults. Groups welcome (if your group is more then 5+ please let us know in advance)
No booking required. Just turn up.

Location: Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library, 139 Greerton Road

Accessible bathrooms
Accessible seating available
Certified disability assist dogs welcome
Mobility parking spaces
Wheelchair access

Knit and Knatter at Greerton Library!

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays 12.30pm to 2pm

If you want to learn but don’t know how – Come along and learn with the Greerton Main Street Community Knitters. If you are an advanced knitter, you are also welcome to come and share your skills!
Greerton Library : Every Tuesday from 12.30pm

For more information about these sessions

Contact Lesley
Phone: 0210309280.

Other sessions are held:

Pāpāmoa Library
Tuesdays 10am – 12pm
Wednesdays 1pm – 2pm

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Digital Drop-In at Papamoa Library

Have you got a digital dilemma and need some help? Come along to one of our weekly Drop-in sessions.

Bring in your own device for help using library apps, accessing online memberships and applications, installing software, or setting up a new device.

This is a first-in, first-served, drop-in service. No booking required.


Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road, Papamoa
: Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm
Cost: Free


Falun Dafa

Purify the Body and Calm the Mind

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a traditional self-cultivation practice based on the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Easy to learn, the practice includes four gentle standing exercises to purify the body and a seated meditation to calm the mind.

Around the world, millions of people from all walks of life and all ages have taken up the practice and report dramatic health improvements, clarity of thought, more energy and a deeper spiritual awareness.

True health comes from cultivating both mind and body.

Free to learn.

Please join our Free, Easy to Learn Exercise Sessions in the Parks as follows:

Exercises 1 to 4 only. Duration – 1x hour.  Look for the Blue and White Banner.

1st and 2nd Sundays – Memorial Park by the fountain, enter from Devonport Rd

3rd Sunday – Papamoa Domain near car park below Bluebiyou Restaurant

4th Sunday – Marine Parade, near cenotaph opposite Pacific Ave.

Winter Hours – @ 10:15am
Summer Hours – @ 9:45am

Change at Daylight Saving time.

Please call / text Judy for any alternative arrangements.

Please phone or text  021 0425 398  for directions.

Papamoa Patchers

Visitors and prospective new members are warmly welcomed.

When:  Mondays at 9.30am
Where:  St Andrew’s Church Hall, Dee Street, Mount Maunganui.
Time: 9.30 am-2.30 pm on 1st and 3rd Monday and 9.30am- 12.30pm on 2nd and 4th Monday each month.

Contact :  Phone 021 188 5840 for any further information.

What’s On at Your Library

From Knitting & Knattering to Chess, from Rummikub to Genealogy plus a host of activities in between, libraries are true community hubs. Check out what is on the programme and geared for adults in your area.

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Just Wanna Have Fun at Greerton Library

Keen to try something new, have fun and meet new people?
Come along to Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library on Tuesdays to join in a different activity each week.
With craft workshops, board games, and fun with robots, you won’t want to miss a week!

Programme information:

  • 4 February – Waitangi Day Activities
  • 11 February – Valentines Card Making
  • 18 February – Movie Morning
  • 25 February – Lunar New Year Paper Craft
  • 4 March – Lego Fun
  • 11 March – Saint Patrick’s Day Crafts
  • 18 March – Digi Fun
  • 25 March – Bingo
  • 1 April – Dachshund Love: Stories and Craft
  • 8 April – Dot Art

For adults. Groups welcome (if your group is more then 5+ please let us know in advance)
No booking required. Just turn up.

Location: Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library, 139 Greerton Road

Accessible bathrooms
Accessible seating available
Certified disability assist dogs welcome
Mobility parking spaces
Wheelchair access

Knit and Knatter at Greerton Library!

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays 12.30pm to 2pm

If you want to learn but don’t know how – Come along and learn with the Greerton Main Street Community Knitters. If you are an advanced knitter, you are also welcome to come and share your skills!
Greerton Library : Every Tuesday from 12.30pm

For more information about these sessions

Contact Lesley
Phone: 0210309280.

Other sessions are held:

Pāpāmoa Library
Tuesdays 10am – 12pm
Wednesdays 1pm – 2pm

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Digital Drop-In at Papamoa Library

Have you got a digital dilemma and need some help? Come along to one of our weekly Drop-in sessions.

Bring in your own device for help using library apps, accessing online memberships and applications, installing software, or setting up a new device.

This is a first-in, first-served, drop-in service. No booking required.


Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road, Papamoa
: Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm
Cost: Free


Falun Dafa

Purify the Body and Calm the Mind

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a traditional self-cultivation practice based on the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Easy to learn, the practice includes four gentle standing exercises to purify the body and a seated meditation to calm the mind.

Around the world, millions of people from all walks of life and all ages have taken up the practice and report dramatic health improvements, clarity of thought, more energy and a deeper spiritual awareness.

True health comes from cultivating both mind and body.

Free to learn.

Please join our Free, Easy to Learn Exercise Sessions in the Parks as follows:

Exercises 1 to 4 only. Duration – 1x hour.  Look for the Blue and White Banner.

1st and 2nd Sundays – Memorial Park by the fountain, enter from Devonport Rd

3rd Sunday – Papamoa Domain near car park below Bluebiyou Restaurant

4th Sunday – Marine Parade, near cenotaph opposite Pacific Ave.

Winter Hours – @ 10:15am
Summer Hours – @ 9:45am

Change at Daylight Saving time.

Please call / text Judy for any alternative arrangements.

Please phone or text  021 0425 398  for directions.

Papamoa Patchers

Visitors and prospective new members are warmly welcomed.

When:  Mondays at 9.30am
Where:  St Andrew’s Church Hall, Dee Street, Mount Maunganui.
Time: 9.30 am-2.30 pm on 1st and 3rd Monday and 9.30am- 12.30pm on 2nd and 4th Monday each month.

Contact :  Phone 021 188 5840 for any further information.

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Just Wanna Have Fun at Greerton Library

Keen to try something new, have fun and meet new people?
Come along to Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library on Tuesdays to join in a different activity each week.
With craft workshops, board games, and fun with robots, you won’t want to miss a week!

Programme information:

  • 4 February – Waitangi Day Activities
  • 11 February – Valentines Card Making
  • 18 February – Movie Morning
  • 25 February – Lunar New Year Paper Craft
  • 4 March – Lego Fun
  • 11 March – Saint Patrick’s Day Crafts
  • 18 March – Digi Fun
  • 25 March – Bingo
  • 1 April – Dachshund Love: Stories and Craft
  • 8 April – Dot Art

For adults. Groups welcome (if your group is more then 5+ please let us know in advance)
No booking required. Just turn up.

Location: Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library, 139 Greerton Road

Accessible bathrooms
Accessible seating available
Certified disability assist dogs welcome
Mobility parking spaces
Wheelchair access

Knit and Knatter at Greerton Library!

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays 12.30pm to 2pm

If you want to learn but don’t know how – Come along and learn with the Greerton Main Street Community Knitters. If you are an advanced knitter, you are also welcome to come and share your skills!
Greerton Library : Every Tuesday from 12.30pm

For more information about these sessions

Contact Lesley
Phone: 0210309280.

Other sessions are held:

Pāpāmoa Library
Tuesdays 10am – 12pm
Wednesdays 1pm – 2pm

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Digital Drop-In at Papamoa Library

Have you got a digital dilemma and need some help? Come along to one of our weekly Drop-in sessions.

Bring in your own device for help using library apps, accessing online memberships and applications, installing software, or setting up a new device.

This is a first-in, first-served, drop-in service. No booking required.


Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road, Papamoa
: Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm
Cost: Free


Falun Dafa

Purify the Body and Calm the Mind

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a traditional self-cultivation practice based on the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Easy to learn, the practice includes four gentle standing exercises to purify the body and a seated meditation to calm the mind.

Around the world, millions of people from all walks of life and all ages have taken up the practice and report dramatic health improvements, clarity of thought, more energy and a deeper spiritual awareness.

True health comes from cultivating both mind and body.

Free to learn.

Please join our Free, Easy to Learn Exercise Sessions in the Parks as follows:

Exercises 1 to 4 only. Duration – 1x hour.  Look for the Blue and White Banner.

1st and 2nd Sundays – Memorial Park by the fountain, enter from Devonport Rd

3rd Sunday – Papamoa Domain near car park below Bluebiyou Restaurant

4th Sunday – Marine Parade, near cenotaph opposite Pacific Ave.

Winter Hours – @ 10:15am
Summer Hours – @ 9:45am

Change at Daylight Saving time.

Please call / text Judy for any alternative arrangements.

Please phone or text  021 0425 398  for directions.

Papamoa Patchers

Visitors and prospective new members are warmly welcomed.

When:  Mondays at 9.30am
Where:  St Andrew’s Church Hall, Dee Street, Mount Maunganui.
Time: 9.30 am-2.30 pm on 1st and 3rd Monday and 9.30am- 12.30pm on 2nd and 4th Monday each month.

Contact :  Phone 021 188 5840 for any further information.

What’s On at Your Library

From Knitting & Knattering to Chess, from Rummikub to Genealogy plus a host of activities in between, libraries are true community hubs. Check out what is on the programme and geared for adults in your area.

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Just Wanna Have Fun at Greerton Library

Keen to try something new, have fun and meet new people?
Come along to Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library on Tuesdays to join in a different activity each week.
With craft workshops, board games, and fun with robots, you won’t want to miss a week!

Programme information:

  • 4 February – Waitangi Day Activities
  • 11 February – Valentines Card Making
  • 18 February – Movie Morning
  • 25 February – Lunar New Year Paper Craft
  • 4 March – Lego Fun
  • 11 March – Saint Patrick’s Day Crafts
  • 18 March – Digi Fun
  • 25 March – Bingo
  • 1 April – Dachshund Love: Stories and Craft
  • 8 April – Dot Art

For adults. Groups welcome (if your group is more then 5+ please let us know in advance)
No booking required. Just turn up.

Location: Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library, 139 Greerton Road

Accessible bathrooms
Accessible seating available
Certified disability assist dogs welcome
Mobility parking spaces
Wheelchair access

Knit and Knatter at Greerton Library!

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays 12.30pm to 2pm

If you want to learn but don’t know how – Come along and learn with the Greerton Main Street Community Knitters. If you are an advanced knitter, you are also welcome to come and share your skills!
Greerton Library : Every Tuesday from 12.30pm

For more information about these sessions

Contact Lesley
Phone: 0210309280.

Other sessions are held:

Pāpāmoa Library
Tuesdays 10am – 12pm
Wednesdays 1pm – 2pm

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Just Wanna Have Fun at Papamoa Library

Keen to try something new, have fun and meet new people? Come along and enjoy craft workshops, board games, movies, fun with robots and lots more!
Inspired by the success of our regular group at Greerton, we’re pleased to bring ‘Just Wanna Have Fun?’ to Te Ao Mārama – Pāpāmoa Library in 2025.

Come along and enjoy the following games and craft:

  • 30 January – Waitangi Day Activities
  • 27 February – Lunar New Year Paper Craft
  • 27 March – Bingo
  • 24 April – Flower Art
  • 29 May – Rock Painting
  • 26 June – Tukutuku Panels and Stories

For adults. Groups welcome (if your group is more then 5+, please let us know in advance by emailing us at

Digital Drop-In at Papamoa Library

Have you got a digital dilemma and need some help? Come along to one of our weekly Drop-in sessions.

Bring in your own device for help using library apps, accessing online memberships and applications, installing software, or setting up a new device.

This is a first-in, first-served, drop-in service. No booking required.


Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road, Papamoa
: Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm
Cost: Free


Falun Dafa

Purify the Body and Calm the Mind

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a traditional self-cultivation practice based on the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Easy to learn, the practice includes four gentle standing exercises to purify the body and a seated meditation to calm the mind.

Around the world, millions of people from all walks of life and all ages have taken up the practice and report dramatic health improvements, clarity of thought, more energy and a deeper spiritual awareness.

True health comes from cultivating both mind and body.

Free to learn.

Please join our Free, Easy to Learn Exercise Sessions in the Parks as follows:

Exercises 1 to 4 only. Duration – 1x hour.  Look for the Blue and White Banner.

1st and 2nd Sundays – Memorial Park by the fountain, enter from Devonport Rd

3rd Sunday – Papamoa Domain near car park below Bluebiyou Restaurant

4th Sunday – Marine Parade, near cenotaph opposite Pacific Ave.

Winter Hours – @ 10:15am
Summer Hours – @ 9:45am

Change at Daylight Saving time.

Please call / text Judy for any alternative arrangements.

Please phone or text  021 0425 398  for directions.

Papamoa Patchers

Visitors and prospective new members are warmly welcomed.

When:  Mondays at 9.30am
Where:  St Andrew’s Church Hall, Dee Street, Mount Maunganui.
Time: 9.30 am-2.30 pm on 1st and 3rd Monday and 9.30am- 12.30pm on 2nd and 4th Monday each month.

Contact :  Phone 021 188 5840 for any further information.

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Just Wanna Have Fun at Greerton Library

Keen to try something new, have fun and meet new people?
Come along to Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library on Tuesdays to join in a different activity each week.
With craft workshops, board games, and fun with robots, you won’t want to miss a week!

Programme information:

  • 4 February – Waitangi Day Activities
  • 11 February – Valentines Card Making
  • 18 February – Movie Morning
  • 25 February – Lunar New Year Paper Craft
  • 4 March – Lego Fun
  • 11 March – Saint Patrick’s Day Crafts
  • 18 March – Digi Fun
  • 25 March – Bingo
  • 1 April – Dachshund Love: Stories and Craft
  • 8 April – Dot Art

For adults. Groups welcome (if your group is more then 5+ please let us know in advance)
No booking required. Just turn up.

Location: Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library, 139 Greerton Road

Accessible bathrooms
Accessible seating available
Certified disability assist dogs welcome
Mobility parking spaces
Wheelchair access

Knit and Knatter at Greerton Library!

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays 12.30pm to 2pm

If you want to learn but don’t know how – Come along and learn with the Greerton Main Street Community Knitters. If you are an advanced knitter, you are also welcome to come and share your skills!
Greerton Library : Every Tuesday from 12.30pm

For more information about these sessions

Contact Lesley
Phone: 0210309280.

Other sessions are held:

Pāpāmoa Library
Tuesdays 10am – 12pm
Wednesdays 1pm – 2pm

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Digital Drop-In at Papamoa Library

Have you got a digital dilemma and need some help? Come along to one of our weekly Drop-in sessions.

Bring in your own device for help using library apps, accessing online memberships and applications, installing software, or setting up a new device.

This is a first-in, first-served, drop-in service. No booking required.


Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road, Papamoa
: Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm
Cost: Free


Falun Dafa

Purify the Body and Calm the Mind

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a traditional self-cultivation practice based on the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Easy to learn, the practice includes four gentle standing exercises to purify the body and a seated meditation to calm the mind.

Around the world, millions of people from all walks of life and all ages have taken up the practice and report dramatic health improvements, clarity of thought, more energy and a deeper spiritual awareness.

True health comes from cultivating both mind and body.

Free to learn.

Please join our Free, Easy to Learn Exercise Sessions in the Parks as follows:

Exercises 1 to 4 only. Duration – 1x hour.  Look for the Blue and White Banner.

1st and 2nd Sundays – Memorial Park by the fountain, enter from Devonport Rd

3rd Sunday – Papamoa Domain near car park below Bluebiyou Restaurant

4th Sunday – Marine Parade, near cenotaph opposite Pacific Ave.

Winter Hours – @ 10:15am
Summer Hours – @ 9:45am

Change at Daylight Saving time.

Please call / text Judy for any alternative arrangements.

Please phone or text  021 0425 398  for directions.

Papamoa Patchers

Visitors and prospective new members are warmly welcomed.

When:  Mondays at 9.30am
Where:  St Andrew’s Church Hall, Dee Street, Mount Maunganui.
Time: 9.30 am-2.30 pm on 1st and 3rd Monday and 9.30am- 12.30pm on 2nd and 4th Monday each month.

Contact :  Phone 021 188 5840 for any further information.

What’s On at Your Library

From Knitting & Knattering to Chess, from Rummikub to Genealogy plus a host of activities in between, libraries are true community hubs. Check out what is on the programme and geared for adults in your area.

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Just Wanna Have Fun at Greerton Library

Keen to try something new, have fun and meet new people?
Come along to Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library on Tuesdays to join in a different activity each week.
With craft workshops, board games, and fun with robots, you won’t want to miss a week!

Programme information:

  • 4 February – Waitangi Day Activities
  • 11 February – Valentines Card Making
  • 18 February – Movie Morning
  • 25 February – Lunar New Year Paper Craft
  • 4 March – Lego Fun
  • 11 March – Saint Patrick’s Day Crafts
  • 18 March – Digi Fun
  • 25 March – Bingo
  • 1 April – Dachshund Love: Stories and Craft
  • 8 April – Dot Art

For adults. Groups welcome (if your group is more then 5+ please let us know in advance)
No booking required. Just turn up.

Location: Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library, 139 Greerton Road

Accessible bathrooms
Accessible seating available
Certified disability assist dogs welcome
Mobility parking spaces
Wheelchair access

Knit and Knatter at Greerton Library!

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays 12.30pm to 2pm

If you want to learn but don’t know how – Come along and learn with the Greerton Main Street Community Knitters. If you are an advanced knitter, you are also welcome to come and share your skills!
Greerton Library : Every Tuesday from 12.30pm

For more information about these sessions

Contact Lesley
Phone: 0210309280.

Other sessions are held:

Pāpāmoa Library
Tuesdays 10am – 12pm
Wednesdays 1pm – 2pm

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Digital Drop-In at Papamoa Library

Have you got a digital dilemma and need some help? Come along to one of our weekly Drop-in sessions.

Bring in your own device for help using library apps, accessing online memberships and applications, installing software, or setting up a new device.

This is a first-in, first-served, drop-in service. No booking required.


Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road, Papamoa
: Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm
Cost: Free


Falun Dafa

Purify the Body and Calm the Mind

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a traditional self-cultivation practice based on the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Easy to learn, the practice includes four gentle standing exercises to purify the body and a seated meditation to calm the mind.

Around the world, millions of people from all walks of life and all ages have taken up the practice and report dramatic health improvements, clarity of thought, more energy and a deeper spiritual awareness.

True health comes from cultivating both mind and body.

Free to learn.

Please join our Free, Easy to Learn Exercise Sessions in the Parks as follows:

Exercises 1 to 4 only. Duration – 1x hour.  Look for the Blue and White Banner.

1st and 2nd Sundays – Memorial Park by the fountain, enter from Devonport Rd

3rd Sunday – Papamoa Domain near car park below Bluebiyou Restaurant

4th Sunday – Marine Parade, near cenotaph opposite Pacific Ave.

Winter Hours – @ 10:15am
Summer Hours – @ 9:45am

Change at Daylight Saving time.

Please call / text Judy for any alternative arrangements.

Please phone or text  021 0425 398  for directions.

Papamoa Patchers

Visitors and prospective new members are warmly welcomed.

When:  Mondays at 9.30am
Where:  St Andrew’s Church Hall, Dee Street, Mount Maunganui.
Time: 9.30 am-2.30 pm on 1st and 3rd Monday and 9.30am- 12.30pm on 2nd and 4th Monday each month.

Contact :  Phone 021 188 5840 for any further information.

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Just Wanna Have Fun at Greerton Library

Keen to try something new, have fun and meet new people?
Come along to Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library on Tuesdays to join in a different activity each week.
With craft workshops, board games, and fun with robots, you won’t want to miss a week!

Programme information:

  • 4 February – Waitangi Day Activities
  • 11 February – Valentines Card Making
  • 18 February – Movie Morning
  • 25 February – Lunar New Year Paper Craft
  • 4 March – Lego Fun
  • 11 March – Saint Patrick’s Day Crafts
  • 18 March – Digi Fun
  • 25 March – Bingo
  • 1 April – Dachshund Love: Stories and Craft
  • 8 April – Dot Art

For adults. Groups welcome (if your group is more then 5+ please let us know in advance)
No booking required. Just turn up.

Location: Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library, 139 Greerton Road

Accessible bathrooms
Accessible seating available
Certified disability assist dogs welcome
Mobility parking spaces
Wheelchair access

Knit and Knatter at Greerton Library!

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays 12.30pm to 2pm

If you want to learn but don’t know how – Come along and learn with the Greerton Main Street Community Knitters. If you are an advanced knitter, you are also welcome to come and share your skills!
Greerton Library : Every Tuesday from 12.30pm

For more information about these sessions

Contact Lesley
Phone: 0210309280.

Other sessions are held:

Pāpāmoa Library
Tuesdays 10am – 12pm
Wednesdays 1pm – 2pm

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Digital Drop-In at Papamoa Library

Have you got a digital dilemma and need some help? Come along to one of our weekly Drop-in sessions.

Bring in your own device for help using library apps, accessing online memberships and applications, installing software, or setting up a new device.

This is a first-in, first-served, drop-in service. No booking required.


Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road, Papamoa
: Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm
Cost: Free


Falun Dafa

Purify the Body and Calm the Mind

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a traditional self-cultivation practice based on the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Easy to learn, the practice includes four gentle standing exercises to purify the body and a seated meditation to calm the mind.

Around the world, millions of people from all walks of life and all ages have taken up the practice and report dramatic health improvements, clarity of thought, more energy and a deeper spiritual awareness.

True health comes from cultivating both mind and body.

Free to learn.

Please join our Free, Easy to Learn Exercise Sessions in the Parks as follows:

Exercises 1 to 4 only. Duration – 1x hour.  Look for the Blue and White Banner.

1st and 2nd Sundays – Memorial Park by the fountain, enter from Devonport Rd

3rd Sunday – Papamoa Domain near car park below Bluebiyou Restaurant

4th Sunday – Marine Parade, near cenotaph opposite Pacific Ave.

Winter Hours – @ 10:15am
Summer Hours – @ 9:45am

Change at Daylight Saving time.

Please call / text Judy for any alternative arrangements.

Please phone or text  021 0425 398  for directions.

Papamoa Patchers

Visitors and prospective new members are warmly welcomed.

When:  Mondays at 9.30am
Where:  St Andrew’s Church Hall, Dee Street, Mount Maunganui.
Time: 9.30 am-2.30 pm on 1st and 3rd Monday and 9.30am- 12.30pm on 2nd and 4th Monday each month.

Contact :  Phone 021 188 5840 for any further information.

What’s On at Your Library

From Knitting & Knattering to Chess, from Rummikub to Genealogy plus a host of activities in between, libraries are true community hubs. Check out what is on the programme and geared for adults in your area.

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Just Wanna Have Fun at Greerton Library

Keen to try something new, have fun and meet new people?
Come along to Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library on Tuesdays to join in a different activity each week.
With craft workshops, board games, and fun with robots, you won’t want to miss a week!

Programme information:

  • 4 February – Waitangi Day Activities
  • 11 February – Valentines Card Making
  • 18 February – Movie Morning
  • 25 February – Lunar New Year Paper Craft
  • 4 March – Lego Fun
  • 11 March – Saint Patrick’s Day Crafts
  • 18 March – Digi Fun
  • 25 March – Bingo
  • 1 April – Dachshund Love: Stories and Craft
  • 8 April – Dot Art

For adults. Groups welcome (if your group is more then 5+ please let us know in advance)
No booking required. Just turn up.

Location: Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library, 139 Greerton Road

Accessible bathrooms
Accessible seating available
Certified disability assist dogs welcome
Mobility parking spaces
Wheelchair access

Knit and Knatter at Greerton Library!

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays 12.30pm to 2pm

If you want to learn but don’t know how – Come along and learn with the Greerton Main Street Community Knitters. If you are an advanced knitter, you are also welcome to come and share your skills!
Greerton Library : Every Tuesday from 12.30pm

For more information about these sessions

Contact Lesley
Phone: 0210309280.

Other sessions are held:

Pāpāmoa Library
Tuesdays 10am – 12pm
Wednesdays 1pm – 2pm

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Just Wanna Have Fun at Papamoa Library

Keen to try something new, have fun and meet new people? Come along and enjoy craft workshops, board games, movies, fun with robots and lots more!
Inspired by the success of our regular group at Greerton, we’re pleased to bring ‘Just Wanna Have Fun?’ to Te Ao Mārama – Pāpāmoa Library in 2025.

Come along and enjoy the following games and craft:

  • 30 January – Waitangi Day Activities
  • 27 February – Lunar New Year Paper Craft
  • 27 March – Bingo
  • 24 April – Flower Art
  • 29 May – Rock Painting
  • 26 June – Tukutuku Panels and Stories

For adults. Groups welcome (if your group is more then 5+, please let us know in advance by emailing us at

Digital Drop-In at Papamoa Library

Have you got a digital dilemma and need some help? Come along to one of our weekly Drop-in sessions.

Bring in your own device for help using library apps, accessing online memberships and applications, installing software, or setting up a new device.

This is a first-in, first-served, drop-in service. No booking required.


Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road, Papamoa
: Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm
Cost: Free


Falun Dafa

Purify the Body and Calm the Mind

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a traditional self-cultivation practice based on the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Easy to learn, the practice includes four gentle standing exercises to purify the body and a seated meditation to calm the mind.

Around the world, millions of people from all walks of life and all ages have taken up the practice and report dramatic health improvements, clarity of thought, more energy and a deeper spiritual awareness.

True health comes from cultivating both mind and body.

Free to learn.

Please join our Free, Easy to Learn Exercise Sessions in the Parks as follows:

Exercises 1 to 4 only. Duration – 1x hour.  Look for the Blue and White Banner.

1st and 2nd Sundays – Memorial Park by the fountain, enter from Devonport Rd

3rd Sunday – Papamoa Domain near car park below Bluebiyou Restaurant

4th Sunday – Marine Parade, near cenotaph opposite Pacific Ave.

Winter Hours – @ 10:15am
Summer Hours – @ 9:45am

Change at Daylight Saving time.

Please call / text Judy for any alternative arrangements.

Please phone or text  021 0425 398  for directions.

Papamoa Patchers

Visitors and prospective new members are warmly welcomed.

When:  Mondays at 9.30am
Where:  St Andrew’s Church Hall, Dee Street, Mount Maunganui.
Time: 9.30 am-2.30 pm on 1st and 3rd Monday and 9.30am- 12.30pm on 2nd and 4th Monday each month.

Contact :  Phone 021 188 5840 for any further information.

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Just Wanna Have Fun at Greerton Library

Keen to try something new, have fun and meet new people?
Come along to Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library on Tuesdays to join in a different activity each week.
With craft workshops, board games, and fun with robots, you won’t want to miss a week!

Programme information:

  • 4 February – Waitangi Day Activities
  • 11 February – Valentines Card Making
  • 18 February – Movie Morning
  • 25 February – Lunar New Year Paper Craft
  • 4 March – Lego Fun
  • 11 March – Saint Patrick’s Day Crafts
  • 18 March – Digi Fun
  • 25 March – Bingo
  • 1 April – Dachshund Love: Stories and Craft
  • 8 April – Dot Art

For adults. Groups welcome (if your group is more then 5+ please let us know in advance)
No booking required. Just turn up.

Location: Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library, 139 Greerton Road

Accessible bathrooms
Accessible seating available
Certified disability assist dogs welcome
Mobility parking spaces
Wheelchair access

Knit and Knatter at Greerton Library!

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays 12.30pm to 2pm

If you want to learn but don’t know how – Come along and learn with the Greerton Main Street Community Knitters. If you are an advanced knitter, you are also welcome to come and share your skills!
Greerton Library : Every Tuesday from 12.30pm

For more information about these sessions

Contact Lesley
Phone: 0210309280.

Other sessions are held:

Pāpāmoa Library
Tuesdays 10am – 12pm
Wednesdays 1pm – 2pm

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Digital Drop-In at Papamoa Library

Have you got a digital dilemma and need some help? Come along to one of our weekly Drop-in sessions.

Bring in your own device for help using library apps, accessing online memberships and applications, installing software, or setting up a new device.

This is a first-in, first-served, drop-in service. No booking required.


Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road, Papamoa
: Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm
Cost: Free


Falun Dafa

Purify the Body and Calm the Mind

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a traditional self-cultivation practice based on the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Easy to learn, the practice includes four gentle standing exercises to purify the body and a seated meditation to calm the mind.

Around the world, millions of people from all walks of life and all ages have taken up the practice and report dramatic health improvements, clarity of thought, more energy and a deeper spiritual awareness.

True health comes from cultivating both mind and body.

Free to learn.

Please join our Free, Easy to Learn Exercise Sessions in the Parks as follows:

Exercises 1 to 4 only. Duration – 1x hour.  Look for the Blue and White Banner.

1st and 2nd Sundays – Memorial Park by the fountain, enter from Devonport Rd

3rd Sunday – Papamoa Domain near car park below Bluebiyou Restaurant

4th Sunday – Marine Parade, near cenotaph opposite Pacific Ave.

Winter Hours – @ 10:15am
Summer Hours – @ 9:45am

Change at Daylight Saving time.

Please call / text Judy for any alternative arrangements.

Please phone or text  021 0425 398  for directions.

Papamoa Patchers

Visitors and prospective new members are warmly welcomed.

When:  Mondays at 9.30am
Where:  St Andrew’s Church Hall, Dee Street, Mount Maunganui.
Time: 9.30 am-2.30 pm on 1st and 3rd Monday and 9.30am- 12.30pm on 2nd and 4th Monday each month.

Contact :  Phone 021 188 5840 for any further information.

What’s On at Your Library

From Knitting & Knattering to Chess, from Rummikub to Genealogy plus a host of activities in between, libraries are true community hubs. Check out what is on the programme and geared for adults in your area.

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Just Wanna Have Fun at Greerton Library

Keen to try something new, have fun and meet new people?
Come along to Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library on Tuesdays to join in a different activity each week.
With craft workshops, board games, and fun with robots, you won’t want to miss a week!

Programme information:

  • 4 February – Waitangi Day Activities
  • 11 February – Valentines Card Making
  • 18 February – Movie Morning
  • 25 February – Lunar New Year Paper Craft
  • 4 March – Lego Fun
  • 11 March – Saint Patrick’s Day Crafts
  • 18 March – Digi Fun
  • 25 March – Bingo
  • 1 April – Dachshund Love: Stories and Craft
  • 8 April – Dot Art

For adults. Groups welcome (if your group is more then 5+ please let us know in advance)
No booking required. Just turn up.

Location: Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library, 139 Greerton Road

Accessible bathrooms
Accessible seating available
Certified disability assist dogs welcome
Mobility parking spaces
Wheelchair access

Knit and Knatter at Greerton Library!

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays 12.30pm to 2pm

If you want to learn but don’t know how – Come along and learn with the Greerton Main Street Community Knitters. If you are an advanced knitter, you are also welcome to come and share your skills!
Greerton Library : Every Tuesday from 12.30pm

For more information about these sessions

Contact Lesley
Phone: 0210309280.

Other sessions are held:

Pāpāmoa Library
Tuesdays 10am – 12pm
Wednesdays 1pm – 2pm

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Digital Drop-In at Papamoa Library

Have you got a digital dilemma and need some help? Come along to one of our weekly Drop-in sessions.

Bring in your own device for help using library apps, accessing online memberships and applications, installing software, or setting up a new device.

This is a first-in, first-served, drop-in service. No booking required.


Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road, Papamoa
: Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm
Cost: Free


Falun Dafa

Purify the Body and Calm the Mind

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a traditional self-cultivation practice based on the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Easy to learn, the practice includes four gentle standing exercises to purify the body and a seated meditation to calm the mind.

Around the world, millions of people from all walks of life and all ages have taken up the practice and report dramatic health improvements, clarity of thought, more energy and a deeper spiritual awareness.

True health comes from cultivating both mind and body.

Free to learn.

Please join our Free, Easy to Learn Exercise Sessions in the Parks as follows:

Exercises 1 to 4 only. Duration – 1x hour.  Look for the Blue and White Banner.

1st and 2nd Sundays – Memorial Park by the fountain, enter from Devonport Rd

3rd Sunday – Papamoa Domain near car park below Bluebiyou Restaurant

4th Sunday – Marine Parade, near cenotaph opposite Pacific Ave.

Winter Hours – @ 10:15am
Summer Hours – @ 9:45am

Change at Daylight Saving time.

Please call / text Judy for any alternative arrangements.

Please phone or text  021 0425 398  for directions.

Papamoa Patchers

Visitors and prospective new members are warmly welcomed.

When:  Mondays at 9.30am
Where:  St Andrew’s Church Hall, Dee Street, Mount Maunganui.
Time: 9.30 am-2.30 pm on 1st and 3rd Monday and 9.30am- 12.30pm on 2nd and 4th Monday each month.

Contact :  Phone 021 188 5840 for any further information.

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Just Wanna Have Fun at Greerton Library

Keen to try something new, have fun and meet new people?
Come along to Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library on Tuesdays to join in a different activity each week.
With craft workshops, board games, and fun with robots, you won’t want to miss a week!

Programme information:

  • 4 February – Waitangi Day Activities
  • 11 February – Valentines Card Making
  • 18 February – Movie Morning
  • 25 February – Lunar New Year Paper Craft
  • 4 March – Lego Fun
  • 11 March – Saint Patrick’s Day Crafts
  • 18 March – Digi Fun
  • 25 March – Bingo
  • 1 April – Dachshund Love: Stories and Craft
  • 8 April – Dot Art

For adults. Groups welcome (if your group is more then 5+ please let us know in advance)
No booking required. Just turn up.

Location: Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library, 139 Greerton Road

Accessible bathrooms
Accessible seating available
Certified disability assist dogs welcome
Mobility parking spaces
Wheelchair access

Knit and Knatter at Greerton Library!

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays 12.30pm to 2pm

If you want to learn but don’t know how – Come along and learn with the Greerton Main Street Community Knitters. If you are an advanced knitter, you are also welcome to come and share your skills!
Greerton Library : Every Tuesday from 12.30pm

For more information about these sessions

Contact Lesley
Phone: 0210309280.

Other sessions are held:

Pāpāmoa Library
Tuesdays 10am – 12pm
Wednesdays 1pm – 2pm

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Digital Drop-In at Papamoa Library

Have you got a digital dilemma and need some help? Come along to one of our weekly Drop-in sessions.

Bring in your own device for help using library apps, accessing online memberships and applications, installing software, or setting up a new device.

This is a first-in, first-served, drop-in service. No booking required.


Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road, Papamoa
: Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm
Cost: Free


Falun Dafa

Purify the Body and Calm the Mind

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a traditional self-cultivation practice based on the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Easy to learn, the practice includes four gentle standing exercises to purify the body and a seated meditation to calm the mind.

Around the world, millions of people from all walks of life and all ages have taken up the practice and report dramatic health improvements, clarity of thought, more energy and a deeper spiritual awareness.

True health comes from cultivating both mind and body.

Free to learn.

Please join our Free, Easy to Learn Exercise Sessions in the Parks as follows:

Exercises 1 to 4 only. Duration – 1x hour.  Look for the Blue and White Banner.

1st and 2nd Sundays – Memorial Park by the fountain, enter from Devonport Rd

3rd Sunday – Papamoa Domain near car park below Bluebiyou Restaurant

4th Sunday – Marine Parade, near cenotaph opposite Pacific Ave.

Winter Hours – @ 10:15am
Summer Hours – @ 9:45am

Change at Daylight Saving time.

Please call / text Judy for any alternative arrangements.

Please phone or text  021 0425 398  for directions.

Papamoa Patchers

Visitors and prospective new members are warmly welcomed.

When:  Mondays at 9.30am
Where:  St Andrew’s Church Hall, Dee Street, Mount Maunganui.
Time: 9.30 am-2.30 pm on 1st and 3rd Monday and 9.30am- 12.30pm on 2nd and 4th Monday each month.

Contact :  Phone 021 188 5840 for any further information.

What’s On at Your Library

From Knitting & Knattering to Chess, from Rummikub to Genealogy plus a host of activities in between, libraries are true community hubs. Check out what is on the programme and geared for adults in your area.

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Just Wanna Have Fun at Greerton Library

Keen to try something new, have fun and meet new people?
Come along to Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library on Tuesdays to join in a different activity each week.
With craft workshops, board games, and fun with robots, you won’t want to miss a week!

Programme information:

  • 4 February – Waitangi Day Activities
  • 11 February – Valentines Card Making
  • 18 February – Movie Morning
  • 25 February – Lunar New Year Paper Craft
  • 4 March – Lego Fun
  • 11 March – Saint Patrick’s Day Crafts
  • 18 March – Digi Fun
  • 25 March – Bingo
  • 1 April – Dachshund Love: Stories and Craft
  • 8 April – Dot Art

For adults. Groups welcome (if your group is more then 5+ please let us know in advance)
No booking required. Just turn up.

Location: Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library, 139 Greerton Road

Accessible bathrooms
Accessible seating available
Certified disability assist dogs welcome
Mobility parking spaces
Wheelchair access

Knit and Knatter at Greerton Library!

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays 12.30pm to 2pm

If you want to learn but don’t know how – Come along and learn with the Greerton Main Street Community Knitters. If you are an advanced knitter, you are also welcome to come and share your skills!
Greerton Library : Every Tuesday from 12.30pm

For more information about these sessions

Contact Lesley
Phone: 0210309280.

Other sessions are held:

Pāpāmoa Library
Tuesdays 10am – 12pm
Wednesdays 1pm – 2pm

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Digital Drop-In at Papamoa Library

Have you got a digital dilemma and need some help? Come along to one of our weekly Drop-in sessions.

Bring in your own device for help using library apps, accessing online memberships and applications, installing software, or setting up a new device.

This is a first-in, first-served, drop-in service. No booking required.


Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road, Papamoa
: Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm
Cost: Free


Falun Dafa

Purify the Body and Calm the Mind

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a traditional self-cultivation practice based on the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Easy to learn, the practice includes four gentle standing exercises to purify the body and a seated meditation to calm the mind.

Around the world, millions of people from all walks of life and all ages have taken up the practice and report dramatic health improvements, clarity of thought, more energy and a deeper spiritual awareness.

True health comes from cultivating both mind and body.

Free to learn.

Please join our Free, Easy to Learn Exercise Sessions in the Parks as follows:

Exercises 1 to 4 only. Duration – 1x hour.  Look for the Blue and White Banner.

1st and 2nd Sundays – Memorial Park by the fountain, enter from Devonport Rd

3rd Sunday – Papamoa Domain near car park below Bluebiyou Restaurant

4th Sunday – Marine Parade, near cenotaph opposite Pacific Ave.

Winter Hours – @ 10:15am
Summer Hours – @ 9:45am

Change at Daylight Saving time.

Please call / text Judy for any alternative arrangements.

Please phone or text  021 0425 398  for directions.

Papamoa Patchers

Visitors and prospective new members are warmly welcomed.

When:  Mondays at 9.30am
Where:  St Andrew’s Church Hall, Dee Street, Mount Maunganui.
Time: 9.30 am-2.30 pm on 1st and 3rd Monday and 9.30am- 12.30pm on 2nd and 4th Monday each month.

Contact :  Phone 021 188 5840 for any further information.

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Just Wanna Have Fun at Greerton Library

Keen to try something new, have fun and meet new people?
Come along to Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library on Tuesdays to join in a different activity each week.
With craft workshops, board games, and fun with robots, you won’t want to miss a week!

Programme information:

  • 4 February – Waitangi Day Activities
  • 11 February – Valentines Card Making
  • 18 February – Movie Morning
  • 25 February – Lunar New Year Paper Craft
  • 4 March – Lego Fun
  • 11 March – Saint Patrick’s Day Crafts
  • 18 March – Digi Fun
  • 25 March – Bingo
  • 1 April – Dachshund Love: Stories and Craft
  • 8 April – Dot Art

For adults. Groups welcome (if your group is more then 5+ please let us know in advance)
No booking required. Just turn up.

Location: Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library, 139 Greerton Road

Accessible bathrooms
Accessible seating available
Certified disability assist dogs welcome
Mobility parking spaces
Wheelchair access

Knit and Knatter at Greerton Library!

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays 12.30pm to 2pm

If you want to learn but don’t know how – Come along and learn with the Greerton Main Street Community Knitters. If you are an advanced knitter, you are also welcome to come and share your skills!
Greerton Library : Every Tuesday from 12.30pm

For more information about these sessions

Contact Lesley
Phone: 0210309280.

Other sessions are held:

Pāpāmoa Library
Tuesdays 10am – 12pm
Wednesdays 1pm – 2pm

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Just Wanna Have Fun at Papamoa Library

Keen to try something new, have fun and meet new people? Come along and enjoy craft workshops, board games, movies, fun with robots and lots more!
Inspired by the success of our regular group at Greerton, we’re pleased to bring ‘Just Wanna Have Fun?’ to Te Ao Mārama – Pāpāmoa Library in 2025.

Come along and enjoy the following games and craft:

  • 30 January – Waitangi Day Activities
  • 27 February – Lunar New Year Paper Craft
  • 27 March – Bingo
  • 24 April – Flower Art
  • 29 May – Rock Painting
  • 26 June – Tukutuku Panels and Stories

For adults. Groups welcome (if your group is more then 5+, please let us know in advance by emailing us at

Digital Drop-In at Papamoa Library

Have you got a digital dilemma and need some help? Come along to one of our weekly Drop-in sessions.

Bring in your own device for help using library apps, accessing online memberships and applications, installing software, or setting up a new device.

This is a first-in, first-served, drop-in service. No booking required.


Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road, Papamoa
: Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm
Cost: Free


Falun Dafa

Purify the Body and Calm the Mind

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a traditional self-cultivation practice based on the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Easy to learn, the practice includes four gentle standing exercises to purify the body and a seated meditation to calm the mind.

Around the world, millions of people from all walks of life and all ages have taken up the practice and report dramatic health improvements, clarity of thought, more energy and a deeper spiritual awareness.

True health comes from cultivating both mind and body.

Free to learn.

Please join our Free, Easy to Learn Exercise Sessions in the Parks as follows:

Exercises 1 to 4 only. Duration – 1x hour.  Look for the Blue and White Banner.

1st and 2nd Sundays – Memorial Park by the fountain, enter from Devonport Rd

3rd Sunday – Papamoa Domain near car park below Bluebiyou Restaurant

4th Sunday – Marine Parade, near cenotaph opposite Pacific Ave.

Winter Hours – @ 10:15am
Summer Hours – @ 9:45am

Change at Daylight Saving time.

Please call / text Judy for any alternative arrangements.

Please phone or text  021 0425 398  for directions.

Papamoa Patchers

Visitors and prospective new members are warmly welcomed.

When:  Mondays at 9.30am
Where:  St Andrew’s Church Hall, Dee Street, Mount Maunganui.
Time: 9.30 am-2.30 pm on 1st and 3rd Monday and 9.30am- 12.30pm on 2nd and 4th Monday each month.

Contact :  Phone 021 188 5840 for any further information.

What’s On at Your Library

From Knitting & Knattering to Chess, from Rummikub to Genealogy plus a host of activities in between, libraries are true community hubs. Check out what is on the programme and geared for adults in your area.

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Just Wanna Have Fun at Greerton Library

Keen to try something new, have fun and meet new people?
Come along to Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library on Tuesdays to join in a different activity each week.
With craft workshops, board games, and fun with robots, you won’t want to miss a week!

Programme information:

  • 4 February – Waitangi Day Activities
  • 11 February – Valentines Card Making
  • 18 February – Movie Morning
  • 25 February – Lunar New Year Paper Craft
  • 4 March – Lego Fun
  • 11 March – Saint Patrick’s Day Crafts
  • 18 March – Digi Fun
  • 25 March – Bingo
  • 1 April – Dachshund Love: Stories and Craft
  • 8 April – Dot Art

For adults. Groups welcome (if your group is more then 5+ please let us know in advance)
No booking required. Just turn up.

Location: Te Ao Mārama – Greerton Library, 139 Greerton Road

Accessible bathrooms
Accessible seating available
Certified disability assist dogs welcome
Mobility parking spaces
Wheelchair access

Knit and Knatter at Greerton Library!

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays 12.30pm to 2pm

If you want to learn but don’t know how – Come along and learn with the Greerton Main Street Community Knitters. If you are an advanced knitter, you are also welcome to come and share your skills!
Greerton Library : Every Tuesday from 12.30pm

For more information about these sessions

Contact Lesley
Phone: 0210309280.

Other sessions are held:

Pāpāmoa Library
Tuesdays 10am – 12pm
Wednesdays 1pm – 2pm

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm

Digital Drop-In at Papamoa Library

Have you got a digital dilemma and need some help? Come along to one of our weekly Drop-in sessions.

Bring in your own device for help using library apps, accessing online memberships and applications, installing software, or setting up a new device.

This is a first-in, first-served, drop-in service. No booking required.


Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road, Papamoa
: Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm
Cost: Free


Falun Dafa

Purify the Body and Calm the Mind

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a traditional self-cultivation practice based on the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Easy to learn, the practice includes four gentle standing exercises to purify the body and a seated meditation to calm the mind.

Around the world, millions of people from all walks of life and all ages have taken up the practice and report dramatic health improvements, clarity of thought, more energy and a deeper spiritual awareness.

True health comes from cultivating both mind and body.

Free to learn.

Please join our Free, Easy to Learn Exercise Sessions in the Parks as follows:

Exercises 1 to 4 only. Duration – 1x hour.  Look for the Blue and White Banner.

1st and 2nd Sundays – Memorial Park by the fountain, enter from Devonport Rd

3rd Sunday – Papamoa Domain near car park below Bluebiyou Restaurant

4th Sunday – Marine Parade, near cenotaph opposite Pacific Ave.

Winter Hours – @ 10:15am
Summer Hours – @ 9:45am

Change at Daylight Saving time.

Please call / text Judy for any alternative arrangements.

Please phone or text  021 0425 398  for directions.

Papamoa Patchers

Visitors and prospective new members are warmly welcomed.

When:  Mondays at 9.30am
Where:  St Andrew’s Church Hall, Dee Street, Mount Maunganui.
Time: 9.30 am-2.30 pm on 1st and 3rd Monday and 9.30am- 12.30pm on 2nd and 4th Monday each month.

Contact :  Phone 021 188 5840 for any further information.

Knit & Knatter at Papamoa Library

Join us for some friendly knitting and a good natter. Bring along your latest project, share your ideas and skills or simply enjoy time spent with fellow creators.
Crocheters, cross stitchers, embroiderers and beginner knitters are welcome.

Where: Papamoa Library, 15 Gravatt Road
Tuesdays 10am -12pm
Wednesdays at 1pm- 2pm

Other sessions are held:

Greerton Library  :  Tuesdays at 12.30pm – 2pm